RFP 2025-04 HealthConnect in Our Schools
2025-04 | GRANT | Active | 12/17/2024 5:00 PM | ||
# | Type | Status | Date | Due Date | Time Remaining |
Child health, development and well-being affect educational achievement, behavior and future life success. The Children’s Trust, in collaboration with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) and the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County (DOH - Miami-Dade), will continue to fund a comprehensive school-based health initiative that increases access to health and wellness services for children and families. The approach involves nursing and mental health professional services and community referrals that promote a healthy school environment intended to identify, prevent and/or remedy student health problems. In addition, telehealth services will be integrated to expand the reach of services to students. This is a competitive solicitation open to current school health providers and other community health providers qualified to perform school-based health services.
HealthConnect in Our Schools Tentative Timeline
- Release Date - October 22, 2024
- Bidders' Conference and Application Training - October 28, 2024
- Pre-Application Deadline - November 26, 2024
- Application Deadline - December 17, 2024
- Debriefing Period - January 13-16, 2025
- Site Visit/Interview Period - January 22-23, 2025
- 2nd Site Visit/Interview Period. If Needed - February 4th, 2025
- Selection Announcement - March 6, 2025
Click here to view the 2nd interview schedule.
Click here to view the interview schedule.
Click here to view the debriefing schedule.
Bidders' Conference and Application Training Session (Monday, October 28, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
- PowerPoint Slides: Click here to view
- Bidders' Conference Recording: Click here to view
- Application Training Recording: Click here to view
Industry Day: Seeking Input on School-Based Telehealth Service Options (Tuesday, September 10, from 1 to 4:30 p.m.)
- PowerPoint Slides: Click here to view
- Market Research Questions: Click here to access
- Meeting Recording: Click here to access
School-Based Health Information, Input and Networking Community Stakeholder Session (Monday, June 3, from 1 to 4 p.m.)
- PowerPoint Slides: Click here to view
- Executive Summary: Click here to view
My Applications
RELEASE | 10/22/2024 9:30 AM | |
BIDCONF | 10/28/2024 10:00 AM | |
APPTRAIN | 10/28/2024 10:00 AM | |
PREAPPDEADLINE | 11/26/2024 5:00 PM | |
QADEADLINE | 12/10/2024 5:00 PM | |
APPDEADLINE | 12/17/2024 5:00 PM | |
DEBRIEFIGSTART | 1/13/2025 - 1/16/2025 6:00 PM | |
INTERVIEWSTART | 1/22/2025 - 2/4/2025 5:00 PM | |
RECOMMENDATION | 3/6/2025 5:00 PM | |
BOARD | 3/17/2025 5:00 PM |
Grants - How to Start an Application
10/22/2024Grants - Modifying Application, Basic Navigation, Adding a User
10/22/2024Budget Manual
10/22/2024School Health Groupings List
10/22/2024HCiOS Tiered Models Description
Q & A
- As an organization that has an audit but not from the state of Florida, we have been seeking quotes for an audit performed by a CPA firm that is licensed & registered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The lead time that is being quoted is 2-3 months. Are there other financial documents that can be provided, or an extension can be provided to ensure access to the RFP (#2025-04 HealthConnect in Our Schools)?
- Submit your most recent financial audit in pre-application and then submit the audit performed by a CPA firm licensed & registered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation via helpdesk with the submission of your application for the RFP.
- Why was the option to subcontract eliminated for this RFP?
- Professional services better align with The Trust's expectations for school health services than subcontractors.
- Up to what percentage of the total budget can an awardee receive in advance before executing a contract?
- 1. Advance requests are issued after contract execution. Those requests cannot exceed 15%.
- 1) Up to what percentage of the total budget can an awardee receive in advance before executing a contract? 2) Is monthly reimbursement 1/12th of the remaining budget thereafter?
- 1. Advance requests are issued after contract execution. Those requests cannot exceed 15%. 2. This contract is cost reimbursement, monthly invoices are based on actuals.
- Referring to this: Thus, funded providers must contribute at least 10 percent in match funding, which is defined as cash or in-kind contributions including nonfederal cash dollars, donated items, and/or services that are part of the overall cost of operating the program. Who is considered a funded provider? Are all awardees of the bid required to provide the 10% match? Is that number based on the awardees school allocation, total budget or The Children's Trust RFP budget?
- A funded provider refers to any agency awarded this grant. All awardees require a 10% match. The number is based on the total contracted amount.
- 1. Would the Financial Statements be discoverable? 2. If the Financial Statements are discoverable or subject to a FOIA request, will we recieve the request and be able to enter our objections?
- 1. Yes, the audits submitted into our system are subject to a public records request. 2. We manage those requests, so any objections the agency might have are not incorporated into the request process.
- If the institution doesn't have a Financial Audit, is it automatically disqualified to apply? Which audit is required?
- This RFP requires that all applicants have an annual financial statement audit, performed by a CPA firm that is licensed and registered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Audits that are on file will be used for organizations with a current contract with The Trust.
- Having a medical home requires integration of medical records. Can funds be allocated for such? Is funding allowed to find electronic solution to integrate CT data into electronic medical record for population health and coordination of care?
- The Children's Trust contracts for a data system for reporting services. Applicants may propose innovative solutions, provided they stay within the allocated budget for the groupings and meet the requirements of the RFP. Additionally, please remember that a 10% match is required.
- What are the billable hours per day per work code? What page within the budget Manuel shares how many hours per day per code will be billable?
- This RFP does not fund using billable hours. Please thoroughly review the RFP for more details. The Budget Manual provides guidance on how to create the budget as per The Children's Trust's requirements.
- Can a provider for school health subcontract for IT services to include technical support or billing?
- Applicants may submit budgets that align with the budgets per groupings. Professional services are to be utilized for IT services rather than subcontractors. As a reminder, a 10% match is required in this RFP.
- Will there be an updated budget manual? Currently, on the TCT website the budget manual is for year 2023-2024.
- The Budget Manual on The Children's Trust website is up-to-date/current.
- what is the pre-application?
- The pre-application is a brief form for the interested agency applicants required to be completed that is used to verify eligibility to apply. Please note the pre-application deadline and requirements, which must be completed by the due date to determine eligibility to move to the full application. The questions include inquires to confirm that services will be rendered in Miami-Dade County, asking if the applicant is a charter school, some financial information and requests for the agency's W-9 and an audit. Please refer to the Application Training Recording on The Children's Trust Grants Opportunities page for a video demo of how to complete the pre-application. https://www.thechildrenstrust.org/partner/grants/grant-opportunities/
- Can you provide a sample of the expected agreement?
- This question is unclear. Please be specific to the agreement you are referencing and resubmit the question. Please also check the Resources section of the grant and The Children's Trust website for all information pertaining to this RFP.
- How will Frontline software work for vendors?
- Could you please clarify your question with more details so I can better understand what you're asking? The Children's Trust contracts with Frontline Education for a web-based data system that school-based health staff are granted access to. Staff input events into the system as they occur.
- The SEED School of Miami is a MDPS-managed charter school. We offer nursing services through a contract with Jessie Trice Community Health System and mental health services in-house (we employ 4 mental health counselors). Although we are not listed on the School Health Groupings list, our students and families would benefit from additional services. We serve students from the most under-resourced communities in South FL. Is there any way that we could participate in the School-Based Health RFP?
- Charter schools are not eligible to apply. This solicitation is to fund healthcare providers to provide direct services only for those schools that are listed in the school groupings.
- Will applicants receive a confirmation e-mail after submitting their pre-application in the grant portal?
- A pop-up window appears on the screen when the pre-application is submitted. When the pre-application is approved, an email from Trust Central is sent.
- Eligibility
- Please submit a complete question.
- Can you explain the goal or purpose of the pre application?
- The purpose of the pre-application phase of the RFP is to gauge the anticipated number of applications, allowing us to plan and organize the appropriate number of review teams needed to evaluate the proposals.
- Can an organization apply for more than one grouping?
- Yes, an organization can apply for more than one grouping.
- Who reviews? Volunteers, or TCT staff?
- Review teams consist of a combination of Trust staff members and qualified community volunteers.
- How many agencies will be selected?
- Multiple agencies are expected to be awarded.
- Can the application be downloaded for printing as you complete it?
- At any time, the application can be printed. Click Printer Friendly button along the top menu.
- Does applying for more than one grouping require the applicant to include additional information or adjust narrative questions, such as the populations to be served and the needs assessment?
- An applicant should respond to the application questions based on the services being proposed. The RFP instructions in Populations to be Served indicate the applicant describing the demographic characteristics proposed to be served within the selected school health groupings. Please refer to the RFP instructions in each section for the complete application questions.
- The response provided for the following question is not clear: “For organizations applying to multiple school health groupings, should separate budget and staffing tables be prepared for each grouping?...” It is unclear where in the grant portal applicants should upload the information for the additional school health groupings they intend to serve or what specific information is required to be provided.
- Only one overall total program budget is required and one staffing table a plan; and as noted in the instructions on page 25 for staffing & page 32 for lead agency budget, refer to these instructions if proposing additional staffing and associated additional budget costs. In the staffing section there is an option to upload the organizational chart. The system will accept multiple documents. Applicants have the option to provide additional information through these uploads to provide clarity for reviewers.
- For the telehealth grouping, if we can only provide telehealth mental health counseling (Individual, family, group) and medication management, are we able to apply?
- This solicitation requires applicants to propose comprehensive school-based health services through nursing, physical and mental health regardless of grouping.
- In budgeting for staff, can an LPN be substituted for a HA or vice versa?
- Yes, LPNs may be placed instead of HAs, provided that your proposed budget does not exceed the estimated amount associated with the groupings. However, an LPN cannot be substituted for a HA due to the specific services expected of LPN positions.
- In budgeting for staff, can an LPN be substituted for a HA or vice versa?
- Yes, LPNs may be placed instead of HAs, provided that your proposed budget does not exceed the estimated amount associated with the groupings. However, an LPN cannot be substituted for a HA due to the specific services expected of LPN positions.
- Is a mobile unit required for groupings outside of the mobile unit?
- Pediatric Mobile Health Unit Services are an optional activity for all groupings other than the Mobile Only grouping of 16 schools. This optional activity is explained on page 8 of the PDF of the RFP.
- Is a Medical Director required regardless of the tier of schools?
- As explained on page 4 (PDF) of the RFP, applicants must include oversight from a Medical Director at no cost to The Trust to enhance the quality and efficacy of the health care services provided.
- Can a provider/applicant be awarded more than one school grouping if they apply for more than one group? When applying to more than one group, if multiple groups are awarded, does the applicant/provider have a choice of the group they want to keep?
- Applicants may apply for as many school groupings as they propose to serve. It is expected if applicants are proposing multiple grouping that if awarded more than one, they will deliver services to the awarded groups.
- Can a provider/applicant be awarded more than one school grouping if they apply for more than one group? When applying to more than one group, if multiple groups are awarded, does the applicant/provider have a choice of the group they want to keep?
- Applicants may apply for as many school groupings as they propose to serve. It is expected if applicants are proposing multiple grouping that if awarded more than one, they will deliver services to the awarded groups.
- Regarding the Telehealth services for the new RFP. It stated that each provider must be able to provide services outside of school hours. Is it safe to say that each provider are able to create their own hours for Telehealth services i.e. 7:30am-7:00pm daily?
- Any additional hours and services after regular school hours may be proposed. The response will be reviewed in accordance with review criteria and the alignment with service requirements as set forth in the solicitation.
- Telehealth services provided to students and parents outside of school hours is the organization able to limit the hours of operation and days available for Telehealth after school hours? Example 9am-7pm for Telehealth services for the students and parents?
- Telehealth services are expected to be available during all regular school hours when all health service activities in the tiers are expected. Telehealth services should also be available outside of school hours. Any additional hours and services for family members in addition to students may be proposed in the application.
- What are the Expected Level of Achievement (ELA) penalties that will be leveraged if performance is not met?
- The Children's Trust contracts are reviewed for performance as explained in the Continuous Learning & Quality Improvement (CLQI) Supports section. Please refer to the Core Contract and Attachments for full contractual requirements at https://www.thechildrenstrust.org/partner/policies-forms/
- For the innovative component, can we apply to that option without selecting a school grouping? It would essentially be a service that can benefit the whole county.
- School grouping is required to ensure the proposed innovative component is tied to the specific schools and their students.
- Is there any scenario that school health grouping can be served by more than one provider, such as through subcontract with lead provider?
- Only one applicant (provider) will be selected for each school grouping. HealthConnect in Our Schools applicants may not propose subcontractor relationships to deliver core services. A lead agency cannot fully delegate the delivery of the program to subcontractors. The only allowable type of partners that may be paid through this solicitation are Professional Services.
- In RFP 2025--04 Health Connect, for school health groupings 1-9, the Staffing Table instructions states if additional staffing is required to be included to implement telehealth activities, this should NOT be included in the Staffing Table, Instead enter it in the Lead Agency Budget Summary. So the question is, can the additional costs to implement telehealth go beyond the estimated funding for each group that is based on staffing table?
- It is expected that the staffing plan should be created to align with the number of positions and dollar amounts/funding guidance for the proposed school grouping, inclusive of telehealth grouping (p. 25 of PDF of RFP). The Match requirement could be utilized for additional costs.
- For organizations applying to multiple school health groupings, should separate budget and staffing tables be prepared for each grouping? Additionally, is there an option for applicants to indicate a preferred school health grouping for the provision of services?
- The application system allows for only one budget and staffing table. There are a few ways to indicate the school groupings - include the grouping (and if possible, the school) in the position title and/or include in the the budget justification; and upload a document showing the plan for each grouping.
- On the HealthConnect in Our School RFP, can an organization propose to serve a subset of the schools designated to be served by a mobile pediatric unit or will proposing organizations need to serve the entire set of schools designated to be served by a mobile pediatric unit?
- None of the groupings will be split or divided, including the mobile unit grouping and the telehealth grouping. One applicant will be selected to serve the entire mobile unit grouping. An applicant may propose the Optional - Pediatric Mobile Unit Services as an additional service in their application.
- Are there required schools for BSN, and is the salary different? Should there be a set amount BSN nurses for this RFP?
- The tiered based staffing structure for each school grouping is detailed on page 25 of the PDF of the RFP for the Staffing Table (# RN/BSNs column) by grouping, and the School Health Grouping List in the Resources section details types and total number of staffing.
- Based on the clinical staffing pattern in the RFP--is this the staffing limit or baseline? Is this all the staff that organizations are able to receive?
- These are the recommended staffing levels aligned with the indicated tier levels. Additional staff may be proposed; see the specific instructions for additional staffing in the RFP on page 25. Match funding may be utilized for such staffing.
- Which schools are expected to have a Social Worker?
- Social worker staffing funded through The Children's Trust is detailed on the Staffing Table by grouping on page 25 of the PDF of the RFP and in the School Health Grouping List in the Resources section. Please note the related activities and staffing assignments funded through this solicitation will be closely coordinated with M-DCPS for services across schools.
- Are funded TCT organizations expected to provide Behavioral Health services in all schools within the selected group(s)?
- As indicated on page 24 of the PDF of the RFP, "Mental health professionals and social workers will be responsible for implementing the behavioral health activities, with one staff covering two to three schools, depending on needs." Refer to the Resources section, School Health Grouping List for additional details.
- What is the expected Social Worker Staffing for each tier?
- Social worker staffing funded through The Children's Trust is detailed on the Staffing Table by grouping on page 25 of the PDF of the RFP and in the School Health Grouping List in the Resources section. Please note the related activities and staffing assignments funded through this solicitation will be closely coordinated with M-DCPS for services across schools.
- What is the expected Behavioral Health Staffing for each tier?
- As indicated on page 24 of the PDF of the RFP, "Mental health professionals and social workers will be responsible for implementing the behavioral health activities, with one staff covering two to three schools, depending on needs." Refer to the Resources section, School Health Grouping List for additional details.
- Will the Trust allow part-time staffing?
- Coverage is needed as per the staffing pattern as outlined in the RFP. Full-time is encouraged for recruitment and retention. It is understood that some staff might rotate among schools.
- My company is one of the current mental health providers of MDCPS. We had a contract in the past where the clinicians were in the schools for 5 hours a day during the academic school year (no summer.) You mentioned that MH professionals will cover 2-3 schools. What will be their hours? Is it through the summer? Will the annual salary include summer schedule?
- Mental health services are not expected to be delivered during the summer. The Children's Trust and providers will work with M-DCPS on scheduling and working hours. Salary should be determined as per the school-year. If a 12-month salary is desired, applicant may use match for summer. Please refer to the RFP for details.
- Will social workers be required to be licensed with this new RFP? Are licensed school psychologists eligible for the RFP for mental health services?
- Please review the staff qualifications in the RFP (pp. 22-24, specifically p. 24 of the PDF).
- Under site name, should the Group # always be selected instead of the actual school name?
- The only selection to be made is for School Grouping (s), not for individual schools.
- Under Related Activities, can you choose more than one option? RNs, for example, conduct multiple required activities.
- Yes, you may select multiple activities.
- Is there a place to indicate which school grouping the positions are being submitted for?
- Select the school grouping under "Sites" first before completing the staffing table. This ensures we can determine the required number and types of positions based on the selected grouping.
- There is a discrepancy in the FTE calculations found in the Staffing Table in the RFP application (p. 25) and the group listing FTE counts for total staffing coverage for all roles. Some totals are under and some over when adding the FTE .5, 1.0 etc. Which should be followed to determine the number of total staff needeed?
- Please follow the Staffing Table included on page 25 of the RFP.
- Can an organization only provide Mental Health Services? We only provide mental health services. How could we work with an agency providing the health components?
- No. Applicants must apply for all services as defined in the RFP in a school grouping(s). Partnerships are allowable.