RFP 2023-08 Financial Auditing Services
2023-08 | PROCUREMENT | |
# | Type | Date |
The Children’s Trust invites qualified external independent certified public accounting firms to apply to provide external independent financial auditing services, as described in Scope of Services.
Respondents must answer all questions associated with this solicitation. To access the complete RFP, CLICK HERE. A copy is also available in the Resources section for this solicitation.
Financial Auditing Services Debriefing Meeting will be held virtually on April 26, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Please click here for the Zoom meeting link.
NEW! Click here to view the award recommendation for RFP #2023-08.
Non-Services Application Instructions
3/21/2023RFP 2023-08 Financial Auditing Services
3/21/2023Universal Core Contract 2023-24
Q & A
- What was the 2023 audit fee?
- Our last audit fee was 9/30/22 and it was $29,500.
- For clarification on Page 10 of the Financial Auditing Services RFP - Letters of References states that the number of reference letters specified in the RFP should be uploaded. Are we required to have a letter of reference from each of our five client references?
- No, a reference letter is not required for each of the five clients.